the sunday scoop and selfie volume 12

HEYA. Whilst lying in bed and enjoying the wonderful "musical hot water bottle" on B.Trait's radio 1 show, the voice inside my head asked "El, you've had a good day but what haven't you done?" and it was at that point I lept from my rather comfortable position to haphazardly grab my laptop from beneath my bed. Obviously we both made it in one piece and here I am writing my Sunday Scoop.

I can quite proudly say that this week I have succeeded in finishing season five of Gossip Girl. It's been an emotional roller coaster and I am not sure if I can handle having to finish season 6 and therefore ALL OF GOSSIP GIRL this week. In the last five seasons I've gone from *spoiler alert skip to the end of this paragraph if you aren't okay with this* shipping Dan and Serena to hating Serena and not being Dan's biggest fan, from not liking Blair to feeling like her best friend, loving, loathing then missing Little J AND Eric at points. I think Chuck wins the biggest turnaround in my emotions though. My life has become one big hunt for my very own Chuck Bass. I am totally kidding. A bit.

As many of you know, for the last 19 months I have been a student tutor at The Performance House.  This Saturday was the final day for Assistant Tutor Kieran who is heading off to the army at the end of the month, like me Kieran has been there since the start and we have worked on on a number of shows together so it was a very emotional day! Although we did go for a wonderful meal at Zia Nina (the Lasagne is spot on) to celebrate his time with us! We all wish him the bust of luck and hope he stays in touch and doesn't forget about us!!

I also spent a lovely afternoon with my lovely cousins Evan and Ffion which consisted of Ffion texting my friends off my phone and taking photos.

Next week will be more eventful as I am working on our production of A Very Potter Musical...yay!