the sunday scoop and selfie - volume 7

Happy Sunday! How was everyone's half term? I assume many of you have been revising, I certainly do not envy you at all but they will all be over soon, think of the silver linings. I've somehow had a ridiculously busy week while still managing to actually not do that much, I've generally been at home with my sister pottering around, catching up with TV and the like but I also went over my good friend Libby's for one last gathering before she moves house! It's weird that she's moving because hers has always been the house we go to for gatherings and things like that so to have a last one with the girls was cute. Then on Thursday I went to watch some of the kids I teach perform 'Alice in Wonderland' with another drama group, their talent never fails to shock me and they honestly shone on stage. By the time the interval ended myself, Tash, Xenia and the other Ellie had been joined by three of our minis group who spent the second act sat on our laps.

Today I just plodded along with clearing my room. I did however, turn into the worlds most cliché teenage girl while listening to radio one. I unashamedly admit that I danced around my room to really bad music and sung into a bottle of hair mousse. I'm not sorry, unless you happened to walk past my house when that happened, in which case I definitely am sorry.   I also treated myself to Look and Glamour magazines. I resorted to weeting Jo Elvin to tell her how much I enjoyed her editors letter in Glamour, it was great.

I went to Sophie's mum's party on Saturday - voila. 

This is quite a short post as I'm awfully hungry and dinner awaits. Toodle-oo!