If You Don't Ask - You Don't Get

It's a slightly ambiguous title, but it's something that fully occurred to me yesterday. I know it's something you hear everyday but the reality of it is often overlooked. I don't mean it in the sense that y'know, if you don't ask to be woken up you won't be, as true as that is. Yesterday I took the forty minute walk to my local town centre to run some errands for my parents as they're attending a wedding on Saturday. And I realised, had I not pushed things like blog posts, I would not have had some of the opportunities that I have had. If I had not asked About.com to take a look at my blog, I in turn would not have been asked to to write a guest post here. If I had not asked Drapers to take a look at my Vlog then they would not have used it at Pure22. So yesterday I put it into practise again. I visited a vintage shop that I adore and asked if Jo, the owner of the shop would mind me writing a post about the shop, she said of course she wouldn't and eventually, we reached a rather exciting conclusion and eventually we will have a very nice post! I work as a student tutor at The Performance House and without asking, "could I help you guys out rather doing acting myself?" - 18 months later and I don't regret asking one bit. In September I will progress to be an assistant tutor. If I had not asked, I would not be in this position.

I hate to preach, but if you do one thing today, make the first move, ask for something. 

Now, that could well have been the cheesiest post I've ever written so lets finish that now. Have a nice Thursday!
now playing - new york, i love you but you're bringing me down/lcd soundsystem - let her go/passenger - young and beautiful/lana del rey- jamie all over/mayday parade