the sunday scoop and selfie - volume 9

Back blogging and feeling brilliant. It's been a fun week, as it's summer there isn't a lot going on in school, so little in fact I've had six lessons in the last two weeks. Six lessons. Two weeks. I did make good use of my time by helping to compile the school newsletter for a week, which I have done before but I thoroughly enjoyed yet again. Next week I embark upon a rather exciting week of work experience at Freshwater Creative in Cardiff. Over the next week I'll post my OOTD of each day as I have some new outfits lined up (literally, lined across my wardrobe). 

This week I did some of my first Deputy Head Girl duties including both being part of and heading a student panel for interviewing teachers which was super fun and interesting - it was like revenge for my Head Girl interview! Also, I helped out on in induction day for the incoming year 7 which was funny, kids say the funniest things. I had a rather interesting conversation with a boy who told me he was from Scotland, long story short, he wasn't. 

I'm keeping it pretty brief due to the fact I've misplaced my laptop charger. Brilliant.