my booktube-a-thon

I love to read, I have absolutely no shame in admitting it and think it is a hobby that is entirely underrated and misunderstood, so when my pal Charlotte asked me "El, have you heard of the booktube-a-thon?" after my initial confusion at what on earth she was talking about I said "No Charl, I haven't, do tell me more" (I said words to that effect in a less 'jolly hockey sticks' manner).  Anyway, the conversation ensued and she facebook mailed me the details.  Basically from the dates July 15th to 21st those participating must read:
  • 300 pages a day
  • A book of 500+ pages
  • Re-read a book 
  • Finish a series/trilogy
  • A book that’s been on your shelf the longest
  • Listen to an entire audio book
  • A classic 
And, even more excitingly, you can combine challenges, so if by finishing a trilogy which is 500 pages long then you can tick two boxes, etc.

I am going to choose:

  • The Time Travellers Wife - one of my favourite books, over 500 pages long.  (my first re-read)
  • Mockingjay - I've read and loved both The Hunger Games and Catching Fire
  • Double Act - the book that has been on my shelf the longest at this house, I have had books longer but they are all packed.  Boooooo.
  • Harry Potter - I already own some Harry Potter audio book so I will use them.  
  • The Great Gatsby - A classic, also I book I shall re-read.

I do, however have a problem.  I am on a Duke of Edinburgh expedition from July 16th through 18th so I don't know how to work around it.  I'll think and get back to you.  In the mean time, I want all of you to tell me what books you have chosen!