In school as AS exams are coming up we are literally being flooded with mocks and coursework and mocks and tests and mocks and reading and coursework and mocks.  So, I was reading Independent Fashion Bloggers as a break and I saw one of their projects was "#87: Why Did You Start Your Blog?' and I thought that a good post. so, here goes.

I started my blog way back on 7th July 2012 (8 months and 18 days ago, not even counting) I started blogging because I'd finished my GCSEs, prom was over, I'd officially finished compulsory education and was already bored.  Blogging was something I'd always wanted to get into and never really known where to start so obviously with all that free time I had it was a great opportunity to learn.  I started off looking around at some my favourite blogs to see what websites they use, obviously I ended up choosing blogger, which was so easy to work out and get used to!  At the start because I had so much time it was super easy, I'm very glad that I started in the Summer as I think if I'd started in school time I'd have not gotten into it so much.

Within weeks I'd had an article published on and I've been really lucky with other opportunities I've been given such as my vlog being used at a Drapers conference.

Within the next few months I want to just continue as I am, perhaps posting more regualrly and doing more collab posts, but overall I feel I'm going pretty well, I'm absolutely loving it.

Why did you start blogging? If you don't blog, why? Get on it!

p.s. - please check out my friends cover of drops of jupiter here !