the sunday scoop and selfie - volume 10

HEYAAAAAAAAAAAAA, who would've thought I'd have made it to 10 Sunday Scoops?  I wasn't sure.

I've had the best week, PR was generally something I'd thought about but it was never really something I knew about that well.  However, After my week of work experience, I would happily take a job in the field tomorrow if I got offered.  It caters to myself well due my nature, I work best under pressure, love to write (which is what I focused on really) and can be super organised! Also it probably helped a lot how nice and welcoming everyone at the Freshwater office was, by the end of the week I actually felt like I worked there.

So it as been a pretty busy week, and from one busy week I move on to the next busy week, fantastic.  It is finally Duke of Edinburgh time.  Now I would be lying if I said I was excited for it, but I'm sure it'll be a laugh, I'm undecided about how I feel over the weather - I would rather it be boiling than freezing I suppose! Although it does mean I'll have to wear a hat.  -shakes head-

Today we woke up to the sad news that Glee actor Cory Monteith has passed away, I cannot even imagine how his poor fiancée Lea Michele is feeling.  My heart breaks more every time I read about it :(

I know it isn't a selfie but what it is is really ugly walking shoes.  That's life.  

now playing -true love/p!nk and lily cooper - another love/tom odell -handbags and gladrags/stereophonics- holy grail/jay z and justin timberlake - i love it/icona pop and charlie XCX