come morning i am disappeared/ootd:work exp 3/4

Remember that time I could sustain sleeping early and waking up early? Nor do I.  In case you haven't gathered I've been struggling with the whole waking up at 6am thing so I forgot to post!  No need to fret, friends, I am here.  

Instead of one decent picture I present you three shoddy (and two embarrassing bathroom mirror) shots.  Easy outfit - New Look high waisted trousers in navy and a cream lace effect back jumper.  I absolutely adore the red shoes I found in Primark! I actually forgot to take a picture today *facepalm* but I wore my skirt from Tuesday and top from Monday!

now playing -believe/cer - disappeared/frank turner -girls like you/the naked and famous- irreplaceable/beyonce - forever and always/taylor swift