my LCF experience

Yesterday I arrived home from my trip to Laaaaaaaaaaaaandaaaaaaaaaan.  Any regular readers of my blog will know that this week I was doing a three day course in Fashion Journalism at London College of Fashion, and boy, did I enjoy.

After a somewhat eventful journey to London including not knowing if we are eastbound or westbound, getting told to buy the wrong tickets and a dominoes pizza we woke early on Tuesday to make sure we had plenty of time getting to Lime Grove.  Thanks to Holiday Inn's complitmentary breakfast we were also happily nourished.  Yum, scrambled egg.  So we jumped on the tube at North Acton and jumped off at Shepard's Bush and skipped all of the way to LCF (note: small use of artistic license).  When I got there 45 minutes before the course was due to start I was pleasantly surprised to see two other girls also waiting for the same course, maybe being early is a journalism thing.  Over the next 45 minutes the other girls arrived and we all sat quietly and nervously in the foyer.  Eventually our course leader Julia Robson arrived and took us to our classroom.  We spent most of the morning introducing ourselves and finding out more about Julia, she has worked at British Vogue, Grazia, The Daily Telegraph and now freelances while teaching at LCF.  As you can imagine, she had a lot of impressive stories up her sleeve.  We learnt about what fashion journalism really was on the first day, about trends, ideas, fashion shows.  We had a group project where we had to walk down to Westfield shopping centre and plan an article, ours was about Kimonos.

After the course ended at 4:30 I met my mum and sister and we got on the tube to Oxford Circus where the London Palladium is.  After much deliberation we decided to eat in Spaghetti House before we went to see A Chorus Line, which was absolutely stunning.  If you ever et chance, please see it.

Wednesday was quite sad because we all knew we were half way through *sad face*.  We began by writing up our articles we had planned on Tuesday, it was really nice to have someone with as much experience as Julia looking at our work and complimenting our writing style.  Perhaps the most interesting part of the few days, for me anyway, was on Tuesday when we looked at interview technique.  It wasn't necessarily that what she was saying was ground breaking but just so useful.  We later conducted our own interviews with eachother (easier said than done for us when the lovely Flora fell ill and had to leave, meaning myself, Vicky and Becca did a triangular interview) about personal style.

Later on Wednesday I spent the evening buying birthday presents in Westfield and had a delicious Byron burger for dinner.

LAST DAY BLUES.  We spoke a lot about brand and advertising, taking a slightly more PR based look at the world of fashion.  We also looked at film and it's influence on fashion and I have come away with a list of films to try and watch soon! I wish I had more to say but without copying my notes on to here there isn't a lot else to say!

We all made emotional farewells and then we were off, I really met a bunch a lovely girls this week and I hope we do stay in touch, especially as I could end up in uni with some of them!

I would recommend this course to anyone, and if not this one, they do many! I'm sure there is one for you!