Olympic Fever!

OLYMPIC FEVER HAS LANDED, and it's spreading like wildfire.  So, what is more fitting than to look at the team GB kit? Nothing, that's what.
Stella McCartney was given the job of designing our teams clothing (seems like a family affair, with papa Paul McCartney at the opening ceremony).   And what a fabulous job she did.  Kind of.

Jessica Ennis
Jessica Ennis
Pictured is Jessica Ennis, one of team GBs track and field hopefuls, looking super toned in this little number, the pattern under "Great Britain" is part of the Union Jack, similarly to the crotch of her bottoms.  I also like the kit to the right, I especially like that it is tapered in at the waist, whether or not that makes her run faster, who knows, but it looks nice.  We see here the reoccurring theme of the flag being displayed abstractly throughout the garments.   

Victoria Pendleton
Next up - cycling star Victoria Pendleton.  Now, I must ask, is there reasoning behind the karate style belt? Not a fan, maybe it helps aerodynamics.  I like the use of the flag here, the shades of blue look really good with the red shoulders. I struggled to find a very good photo of the ladies gymnastics leotards, but they are definitely my favourites from what I have seen. It features a further rework of the flag and a lot of sequins, what more could you want?

Now, if you'd like to purchase any of the above items for yourself, you could be set back as much as £212.  For a pair of trainers.  Maybe it's because i'm not very sporty, but surely £212 for trainers is bit much? Right down to £5 for wristbands.  

Well, I'm very excited for the rest of the Olympics, and if the fantastic opening ceremony was anything to go by, the rest should follow suit and be exceptional.  

Thank you!
Ellie x