the sunday scoop and selfie - voume 3

I seem to have encountered a problem.  My keyboard on my laptop no longer works, we've just sold the house, my AS exams are in a week and I've badly neglected my poor blog.  So here's an apology and an explanation.  I'm not sure why my keyboard doesn't work, I think i'm going to find a keyboard on eBay and attach it through the USB port and all will be well! Next, so after a grueling few years we have finally sold our house! We're actually planning to build a house but over the next few months while we're building we're going to have to rent - so expect lots of potential bedroom idea posts over the next few months, because I promise there will be a lot of them!  And yeah, AS exams, much fun.

NOW, the past two weeks have obviously been exciting and to top it off I've been given the role of Deputy Head Girl of my school 2013-14.  Isn't that fun!? I'm super keen to get going, organising parties, charity work and lots of involvement with lower school years.  Last Thursday I presented a charity fashion show for Latch, a charity that does a lot of work for children and teenagers in Wales who suffer from cancer.  The lovely Bethany (click her name to see her blog!) took lots of photos which I have stolen hehehe

This volume's selfie -doing my presenting thaaaang!

The show was a great success and we raised over £600 for such a worthwhile charity, well done to all involved as without such a great team, it would not have all come together!

As for the blogging, I absolutely 100% promise I will be back on form soon! 

ttfn x