NOW, the past two weeks have obviously been exciting and to top it off I've been given the role of Deputy Head Girl of my school 2013-14. Isn't that fun!? I'm super keen to get going, organising parties, charity work and lots of involvement with lower school years. Last Thursday I presented a charity fashion show for Latch, a charity that does a lot of work for children and teenagers in Wales who suffer from cancer. The lovely Bethany (click her name to see her blog!) took lots of photos which I have stolen hehehe
This volume's selfie -doing my presenting thaaaang!

The show was a great success and we raised over £600 for such a worthwhile charity, well done to all involved as without such a great team, it would not have all come together!
As for the blogging, I absolutely 100% promise I will be back on form soon!
ttfn x