the Sunday scoop and selfie - volume 4

I don't really feel like "happy Sunday" is the right thing to say. GCSE exams start tomorrow, AS exams start tomorrow and A2 exams start tomorrow. That ain't happy for nobody. Especially when they've (I've) got two RS exams and media exam clashing! #badtimetabling

But enough about that, this time next week mine will be all done and I can't argue with that. Another busy week of revision here, aside from that I've started another blog! No I'm not leaving this but i am now blogging for The Performance House, it's quite different to anything I've experience I've had before before so it's fun and challenging! My first post has gone up today and they will every Sunday, I think therefore making Sunday my busiest today! If you get a chance I'd love you to have a look here

the performance house blogs | building confidence through fun, commitment and team work 

Today I did a car boot sale. Something that made me feel like a fish out of water! Seeing as we are moving we've decided to get rid of a lot of clutter, sadly including a lot of my books. It's only really Horrible Histories and Mary Kate and Ashley series' but they're the books that helped me love to read so it was actually quite hard to let them go - I am however, sure that they went to good homes. Selling them to children who were begging their parents for a bit of money to buy a book was lovely too see, I even gave away a sweet little doll because a girl went past who was holding one from the same range, I'd rather have given to her than someone else pay a few pennies for it!  Only a short scoop today as I'm reading through my revision - posts might be a little slow this week but I'll try my best!

Car boot sale vibes!