the sunday scoop and selfie - volume 2

First week back in school = eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeugh. 

I'm kidding, I've actually had a really great week to be honest.  Monday morning my sister woke me up with a coffee and said 'coffee and a cuddle happy Monday!' which was possibly the best/cutest way to be woken up EVER never mind on a Monday.  Monday is also the one full five lesson day on my timetable, so I wasn't completely up for it.  I went in however as usual, had a form registration class, went to double textiles (I AM NOW COMPLETELY DONE CLICK HERE TO SEE MY CORSET) and made a half hearted attempt at putting the button holes in my shirts, I ended up unpicking it and returning on Tuesday.  Then went to media studies and then double RS which turned out to be a mock exam on Judaism.  Wasn't that fun.  BUT during lunchtime I attended a meeting for all those who applied for the role of Head Boy/Girl and got told that from the nine girls who applied I was one of the six who'd be chosen to do a speech on Friday to my year group about why I should be Head Girl.  Much excitement.  Then we were back in dance which was fab and as funny as it always is - especially now that Sophie has joined, despite her adamant complaints that she couldn't dance and didn't have rhythm she fitted in well.  

The middle of the week was a bit of an excited blur as I was so excited to do my speech on Friday - my old textiles teacher returned from maternity leave so I was super excited to see her, both her and baby Bella are doing well! The downside of school at the moment is that basically all we're doing is past paper questions and essays and revision so we aren't really doing much learning, just putting what we have learnt into practise.

Friday came and I woke up nervous, went to school nervous, went to form nervous, went to the hall nervous, walked on stage nervous, and then said my speech.  I've been told the start of my speech was a little...not angry..but....let's go with fierce...PASSIONATE! Ooops, maybe I was a little scary, but after a few people told me they'd voted for me I guessed my scare tactics had worked.   Hopefully we'll find out tomorrow who's gotten through to interviews with senior staff which is all very exciting!

Yesterday we continued on with casting Beauty and the Beast which is going really well, and it's very difficult to call who's getting what! Then I went to Rhodri's 18th Birthday (where I got to wear my outfit from my vlog HERE) with Morgan, Molly and a few others from The Performance House and beyond which was a really lovely evening - thanks Rhod! 

Today I've been to Wedding Fayre (no, there isn't something I'm not telling you I promise, it was for research purposes I swear!) Where I got asked 'When's the big day?' 'Do you have cars yet?' and my personal favourite was when I explained I'm doing research for school - 'Where do you teach?' face to the palm.