the sunday scoop and selfie - volume 1

I've seen on a number of other blogs that people have really regular posts like 'MAKE UP MONDAY' or something like that and I've come to the decision that I want one too.  SO after much deliberation and one too many lie-ins over the Easter holidays meaning I'm still awake at stupid o'clock I decided on this.  It's a little more personal than the rest of my posts, and kind of keeps you all up to date on what's going on. Let's not mess around, here goes.


My trusty disco pants served me well on Saturday!
This week has been the last week of the Easter holidays and I did more or less absolutely nothing.  It felt good.  I spent the majority of the first half of the week waking up gone midday, trying to revise, ending up online shopping, trying to revise again then playing a board game with my sister.  Very much eat, sleep, repeat.  As I spoke about in my vlog  I went for a meal at Frankie and Benny's on Monday for my friends Emilie and Dayna's birthdays which was lovely, I gave up meat for lent so I thouroughly enjoyed my Buffalo Wings and New Yorker Burger.  On Tuesday I was supposed to go to a gathering at Libby's but she was ill -sad face- but she's all good now!  Instead I went over Charlotte's.   On Wednesday SHOCK HORROR I had to go into school for textiles coursework completion.  In textiles this year we've had a portfolio style approach to the coursework, which is 50% of our final grade. We've been given three small projects - a bag, a shirt and a corset.  Now for those among you who don't do Textiles or a DT subject and assume that it is easy, you my friends, are very, painfully wrong.  I think people saying 
  • 'Textiles is so easy'
  • 'Why are you acting like it's so much work'
  • 'How can you even have a textiles exam'
  • 'What do you mean textiles theory'
And the like is the most annoying thing.  I'm not going to launch into full on rant, but you get where I'm coming from.  I also went in on Thursday but didn't actually do anything other than a flow of manufacture due to the high concentration of GCSE students who's deadline is closer than ours (meaning on Thursday, them > us).  

 I've also spent the week nursing my new rook piercing with salt water every chance I get, I seem to have bad luck when it comes to infections in piercing so I'm trying to prove I can learn from my mistake and so far, so good.  

On Saturday I (woke up at 7:30!!!!!!) started back after two weeks off from The Performance House where I work as a Student Tutor to get on with auditions for the year 7-9, or Midi's production of Beauty and the Beast which I am SO excited for! Although I'd never worked with the majority of the group so I was rather nervous about meeting them all for the first time, I've been teaching with The Performance House since January 2012 but always with the younger group.  However of course they made me feel right at home!  Then I stayed on for my own class, and after we had planned to have an after show gathering from West Side Story at the beach but it rained, as it always does in Wales, so it got called off so I went on to stay over my friend Molly's.  

And now here we are, it's Sunday.  I'm revising, I'm doing coursework, I'm generally chilling and it's feeling great.  How is your Sunday? What are we thinking about this post?

p.s. I've recently had lots of views from Germany, so hello my German friends! Please say hello!

p.p.s. I think I like writing in italics now