sunday scoop volume 18

GOOD EVE FELLOWS.  My life has all of a sudden turned into one one busy little existence so apologies, I'm not sure what for.  I have recovered from my strange bout of voice loss and I am feeling much better, I'm sure you were all concerned....

The highlight of this week was probably my lovely Auntie's 40th birthday party.  This party has been months in the making and I certainly thought it paid off!  There was a DJ and a band who played 'The Ramones version' of almost every song under the sun including Don't Stop Believing, it took me a while to find it funny, at first I just thought The Ramones had written much more than I thought they had.  I did end up going home early due to being unwell, I think lack of food throughout the day and a busy week had big parts to play myself.  Other than that it's been a quiet week so here are some photos!

My darling sister and I, not purposely matching, I swear. 

My cousins Evan who believe it or not is 12, and taller than me.  

My beautiful cousin Ffion, who dances like a little pro!

Finally, my gorgeous Mum and Auntie.