Art Deco!

For Textiles AS Level you look at a lot of different art movements from the 20th century, this week we looked at a few an I've done further research into an interesting one, Art Deco.

Art Deco is a design movement inspired by geometric shapes and has been seen in anything from architecture to fashion.  There are a number of people attributed with founding Art Deco including architects Paul Mellot and Hector Guimard.  Art Deco contains elements of Cubism and Futurism, another two famous design movements, it also draws inspiration from both Egyptian and African art.

You can definately see a lot of Art Deco influence in the work of designers such as one of my favourites,  Henry Holland, with his block colours and sharp edges.
It was really interesting reading up on different movements because (as I found with Holland), it shows where designers find inspiration.  So next time you're stuck for design ideas, there is no time like the past!

Thank you!
Ellie x