the sunday scoop volume 15- SPAIN EDITION

Ditching the selfie bit.  I no longer dig long titles.  
So HOLA I am in the land of Spain, in Cabrils in to be precise (in the province of Barcelona) and I don't have a lot to report as I've literally done nothing but eat/drink/read/chill/swim.  I have by some miracle finished 'The Bell Jar' which I am reading for my English Literature coursework, I started attempting to read it back in May but I just could not get past chapter three or four, this time around it took me from Thursday to Saturday to start and finish.  I gave myself a well deserved pat on the back  before picking up 'Looking for Alaska' and starting to re-read that.  I made a vow to myself  before I came away that I wouldn't ask people their results because I knew I would scare myself silly but I have and now I am absolutely petrified to pick them up. AGH.

The photos do not even give justice to how stunning the view is.  Spanish blogger is confusing me now because it won't translate so au revoir!