my barcelona haul

hello jellyspoons, I am afraid that when I reached Barcelona the wifi was abysmal leaving me unable to post!  No fear, I am back.  I am going to show you lovely people what I bought in Spain.

Mount Tibidabo photo key fob - usually I would never buy anything like this but I thought this one of me and my sister was brilliant so I caved.  I got absolutely soaked on this ride and STILL managed to pose for a photo.  

Bershka bag - I hadn't heard of Bershka until just before I went away, so it was definitely on the cards for a visit.  The clothes were amazing and the prices were so good! I picked up this bag for an amazing 10 euros instead of 30!

Zara skort - I've had my eye on this for so long, I wanted it in black originally but due to a combination of shops shutting really early on Sundays and actually quite liking the white when it was on I opted for the white!  Can't wait to wear this.

Barcelona Mug - I am a sucker for a mug, especially from a holiday, this one has a sketch of the Barcelona skyline across it, really simple and a perfect size.

Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt - I've never bought one of these, the first time I went to New York I bought a Planet Hollywood one, and we have a few cocktail glasses but this is the first time a top has tempted me.  It helped that the guy serving me called me beautiful.

Hard Rock Cafe charm - I love my pandora bracelet and as I already have two Fossil charms I saw no harm in adding something a little different!  I really liked it, despite the fact it doesn't fit over the bracelet itself (I managed to clip it to another charm).

Marc Jacobs phone case - This has been bookmarked on my computer for a while, why not.