BOOK: The Fault in Our Stars

“My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.” 

Anyone who follows my instagram might have seen that I had quite a few books this Christmas!  The first one I read was 'The Fault in Our Stars' by John Green, I'd previously read 'Looking For Alaska' also by John Green because of recommendation by a friend, and it was worth it.  Both are such excellent, excellent books.

'The Fault in Our Stars', for those who have not read it, is narrated by Hazel, a teenager suffering with stage 4 thyroid cancer, who meets the wonderful Augustus Waters. My issue here is I don't want to give away any of the story, so I will say only this;  if you want a book that is real, with characters you feel you know, that takes you on a roller-coaster as you read it, a book that you cannot put down, that you will love, then read 'The Fault in Our Stars'.  

And while you're reading that, read 'Looking For Alaska' as well.

I'd love to hear from any of you hoping to read it/who have read it!

Thank you!


  1. Sounds a good story.
    You have a lovely blog, maybe we could follow each other?


    1. It's amazing - certainly worth a read! Why thank you lovely, I would love to follow you :)

