How To: Jeans Cushions!

A quick and easy way to re use old clothes that no longer fit is to make cushions out of them.
For example - if you wanted to re use a pair of jeans there are a few simple steps to create something that looks shop bought.

  1. Take the jeans (make sure you don't want to wear them again! And cut off the leg to the length shown in the picture.
  2. Turn the jeans inside out, and pin along the raw edge that you just cut.
  3. Sew up the gap on both legs. (a sewing machine would be a lot quicker and effective - but hand sewing would suffice)
  4. Turn the jeans the right way around.
  5. Using an old cushion or stuffing, fill the jeans to the thickness that you want.
  6. Hand sew (because it's quite thick at this point and could snap a machine needle) along the top edge.
  7. Add any ribbons/buttons to decorate.
Voila! Your very own, and hopefully first of many, jeans cushions! 

Thank you!
Ellie x