First post - Bralets!

hello! so this is my first post, and i've decided to write about a fashion item that has sprung to popularity recently, the bralet.
  Love it or hate it, i think that the bralet is going to be here for quite a while. For those who don't know, a bralet is a hybrid of a crop top and a bra, as you can see in the picture of myself to the right they end just above the waist.  Mine is from River Island, it was (i think) £22 but is now in the sale.  Bralets first came on to the fashion scene in the 1940s/50s when 'underwear as outerwear' became fashionable, spurring on idols such as Marilyn  Monroe, later Madonna and even more recently fashionistas Rihanna and Rita Ora to join the trend.
Now, how to wear.  I think that bralets are made to be worn with high waisted clothing, a friend of mine wore a cream bralet with pink mullet hem skirt recently, and not only did it make her waist look smaller, it was a clever way of dressing the bralet up for a summer evening.  An alternate idea, is as i wore it in my picture, with high waisted shorts, for a more casual look.  If you want to cover up, a  blazer often works well with a bralet, black is usually a staple colour blazer to have anyway and if fitted, could work to accentuate your waist even more. 

So, the first post is done! Any pointers would be massively appreciated, feel free to comment thought, questions or suggestions.

Thank you! 
Ellie x